Akshay Kumar is on a roll with back to back movie announcements. The actor recently announced the new release dates for his upcoming movies, Bell Bottom and Bachchan Pandey, and Thursday came out as another surprise for his fans. Akshay Kumar will be sharing screen space with Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush in the upcoming Anand L Rai directorial tentatively titled as Atrangi Re.
As per Akshay Kumar, he nodded yes for the project in less than 10 minutes when the filmmaker narrated the script to him and he expressed his excitement to be a part of this project. The actor further added that the film will feature him in a never before seen character. On the other hand, Sara Ali Khan expressed her share of excitement to work with Akshay Kumar and Dhanush over her social media handle and shared a bunch of adorable pictures of the trio.
Marking the first collaboration of everyone and third Hindi language movie of Dhanush, Atrangi Re is expected to go on the floors by the end of March. Starring Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush in the prominent characters, the Anand L Rai directorial is slated to release in 2021.
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