The enormously popular and one of the most successful reality shows, Bigg Boss 13, recently concluded with Sidharth Shukla getting crowned the winner of the celebrity-based reality show. However, before the craze for the finalists could go down among the Bigg Boss, a report recently started doing rounds over the internet that first runner-up of the reality show, Asim Riaz, has bagged a big project with the Dharma Productions.
As per the media reports, Asim Riaz has been approached by none other than Karan Johar to star opposite Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, Suhana Khan, in the next instalment to his blockbuster Student Of The Year franchise. While fans of Asim Riaz were overwhelmed with the news of him getting a lavish debut in Bollywood, Karan Johar, himself, took to his social media handle to dismiss such claims.
Taking to the micro-blogging website, the filmmaker issued the statement, “Absolutely baseless stories making the rounds of SOTY3! My request to everyone publishing this fabrication is to kindly Stop! Please! (sic)” and rubbished reports of Asim in Student of the Year 3.
Absolutely baseless stories making the rounds of SOTY3 !!!! My request to everyone publishing this fabrication is to kindly Stop! Please!?
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) February 18, 2020
While Asim Riaz might have to wait a while to get an opportunity in Bollywood again, getting recognized by Karan Johar is an accomplishment on its own for the 26-year-old model-actor. Meanwhile, Hollywood star and renowned wrestler, John Cena, also shared pictures of Asim on his official Instagram account during the Bigg Boss 13 voting campaigns.
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