Actor Aparshakti Khurana and his wife Aakriti Ahuja Khurana have been blessed with a baby girl on Friday and shared the embracing of their parenthood on social media. The couple has named their daughter Arzoie A. Khurana and we cannot wait for the couple to share pictures of their baby girl.
Just a few days back, Aparshakti Khurana had shared a video of his wife’s baby shower and received blessings from their family and loved ones. On Friday, the actor took to his social media handle to announce the awesome news as he shared the name of his first child. The actor shared a message on his Instagram handle that reads, “Aakriti & Aparshakti welcome with love Arzoie A. Khurana” followed by the date of birth.
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His fans and celebrities went on a wishing spree as they welcomed the baby girl with warm hearts. The actor is currently in his hometown in Chandigarh to accompany his wife in the need of the hour. On the work front, Aparshakti will next be seen in the quirky comedy, Helmet, which will also mark his first outing as the lead.
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