We earlier informed that Shah Rukh Khan will be producing three Netflix projects under his production banner, Red Chillies Entertainment, which included Betaal, Class of 83 and Bard of Blood. Now another Bollywood actor has decided to invest in the growing digital platform. According to the official statement issued by Netflix India, Anushka Sharma is producing a Netflix Original series, Mai.
Anushka Sharma and Karnesh Sharma’s production house, Clean Slate Films, will be associating with Netflix for the second time as executive producers for upcoming web-series, Mai. Clean Slate Films has earlier collaborated with Netflix India for Bulbul which was a successful affair. Anushka said that digital platforms provide creative freedom to tell stories that reach a global audience and she is happy to partner with Netflix to push the content envelope of Clean Slate Films.
Mai is a story of a 47-year-old wife and mother, Sheel, which revolves around her realisation of getting stuck into violence following a personal tragedy. The plotline is penned by Atul Mongia, Tamal Sen and Amita Vyas. The series will be available exclusively for Netflix users around the globe.
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