Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have always made it to the headlines, whether it is for their love life or social media trolls. While the couple tied a knot in the year 2017, they have decided to take some time off work and spend quality time together which has sparked rumours about them expecting. Talking about the same, Anushka Sharma has slammed the stereotypes that exist.
In an interview with the leading entertainment magazine Filmfare, Anushka Sharma was asked about her take on the rumours and she went all out on the same. Talking about the stereotypes, she said that people ask about pregnancy the next thing when an actress gets married. She also added that when she was dating skipper Virat Kohli, people used to ask if they would marry or not.
Refuting such claims Anushka added, “Someone could be wearing clothes that are loose. That’s because they’re trendy. But they’re said to be pregnant. It’s like a monkey on your back. You can’t do anything about it. You just ignore it.”
On the work front, the actress was last seen alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif in the romantic drama Zero and she has no upcoming projects in her pipeline right now. In an earlier interview, Anushka said that she doesn’t need to sign films just to fill up time.
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