Anushka Sharma’s production venture, Paatal Lok, has been grabbing headlines lately for all the good and bad reasons. While the Amazon Prime web series received extraordinary reviews for its sophisticated servings of Leftist narrative, the 9-episode long series faced allegations for a particular scene against the Gorkha community.
The All Arunachal Pradesh Gorkha Youth Association, a Gorkha community group, filed a complaint against the producer of the web-series, Anushka Sharma, with National Human Right Commission for alleged sexist remarks against the community. The group has claimed that a particular scene in the second episode of the web-series normalises racism against the targetted community.
Earlier, another group, Bharatiya Gorkha Yuva Parisangh, started an online petition against racist remarks made in the digital series and demanded the said scene to be muted as well as adding a disclaimer. “Such stereotyping not only maligns the community as a whole but normalizes such racism as a standard practice for the people. It sets a distorted image among people regarding a certain community, the brunt of which, the people living there have to face,” added the president of the Bharatiya Gorkha Yuva Parisangh.
Meanwhile, Paatal Lok has been trending amongst the netizens and receiving mostly positive reviews from the audiences as well as the critics. Helmed by Avinash Arun and Prosit Roy, the crime thriller revolves around a cynical inspector investigating a high-profile case which changes his life. The web-series bankrolled under the production banner of Anushka Sharma, Clean State Films, premiered on the 15th May of 2020.
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