Renowned filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s upcoming directorial venture, Kennedy, has been making waves at the Cannes Film Festival and generating considerable attention. The film has been receiving positive buzz, with fans eagerly anticipating another signature Anurag Kashyap production, evident from the promising trailer and its captivating noir style.
During an interview at Cannes, Kashyap revealed an intriguing detail about the film’s title, Kennedy, and its connection to a superstar. He disclosed that the movie was named after the nickname of a renowned actor who was on his mind while writing the script. That actor happened to be none other than Chiyaan Vikram, known by the nickname Kennedy. Kashyap reached out to Vikram with an offer for the lead role, but unfortunately, the actor never responded.
In a conversation with Film Companion, Kashyap shared the story, stating, “I actually had a specific actor in mind when I wrote this film. Which is why the film is called Kennedy. Because that actor’s nickname is Kennedy. The film was called The Kennedy Project. It is Chiyaan Vikram. Chiyaan Vikram’s real name is Kennedy. I reached out to him. He never responded.”
Kashyap went on to discuss the casting process for the film, revealing that he eventually approached actor Rahul Bhat, who showed great enthusiasm and interest in the project. Bhat’s reaction was not just as an actor, but also as someone curious about who would be playing the lead role. Kashyap asked him if he would be willing to take on the role, to which Bhat replied with a resounding “Yes,” dedicating eight months of his life to Kennedy, despite having other film commitments.
For those unfamiliar with the project, Kennedy stars Rahul Bhat in the lead role, alongside Sunny Leone. This neo-noir thriller revolves around an ex-cop who has been presumed dead for an extended period, secretly operating within a corrupt system.
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