Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has been an active social media personality and usually shares motivational quotes or messages to help contain the spread of Coronavirus. However, the actor recently irked the likes of many with his tweet and got slammed by the netizens for talking politics amid the COVID-19 chaos.
The actor replied to a journalist’s tweet which accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of failing to handle the pandemic situation and supported the government. The actor tweeted, “Yes !! It is too much. Even by your own standards. Corona is a disaster. For the whole world. We have never faced this epidemic before. It is important to criticize the government. We should be hurt. But it is also our responsibility to deal with it. Do not be alarmed. Aayega toh Modi hi!! Jai Ho (Translated to English).”
आदरणीय @ShekharGupta जी!! ये कुछ ज़्यादा ही हो गया।आपके स्टैंडर्ड से भी।करोना एक विपदा है।पूरी दुनिया के लिए।हमने इस महामारी का सामना पहले कभी नहीं किया।सरकार की आलोचना ज़रूरी है।उनपे तोहमत लगाइए।पर इससे जूझना हम सबकी भी ज़िम्मेदारी है।वैसे घबराइए मत।आएगा तो मोदी ही!! जय हो!?
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) April 25, 2021
His tweet instantly went viral and attracted a group of Twitterati who called out Anupam and accused him of being ‘spineless’. The majority of the netizens accused the actor of praising the government and predicting the next Prime Minister when thousands of citizens are dying each day due to the lack of medical facilities in the country.
Read Replies:
आदरणीय @ShekharGupta जी!! ये कुछ ज़्यादा ही हो गया।आपके स्टैंडर्ड से भी।करोना एक विपदा है।पूरी दुनिया के लिए।हमने इस महामारी का सामना पहले कभी नहीं किया।सरकार की आलोचना ज़रूरी है।उनपे तोहमत लगाइए।पर इससे जूझना हम सबकी भी ज़िम्मेदारी है।वैसे घबराइए मत।आएगा तो मोदी ही!! जय हो!?
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) April 25, 2021
आदरणीय @ShekharGupta जी!! ये कुछ ज़्यादा ही हो गया।आपके स्टैंडर्ड से भी।करोना एक विपदा है।पूरी दुनिया के लिए।हमने इस महामारी का सामना पहले कभी नहीं किया।सरकार की आलोचना ज़रूरी है।उनपे तोहमत लगाइए।पर इससे जूझना हम सबकी भी ज़िम्मेदारी है।वैसे घबराइए मत।आएगा तो मोदी ही!! जय हो!?
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) April 25, 2021
That’s it. Boycotting all your movies. While it doesn’t impact you much, you’ll not be able to sleep knowing you support a murderer and this is just to remind you everyday. Sad state of affairs. When your house will burn, you’ll know.
— Uchit Solanki (@uchitsolanki) April 26, 2021
Anupam Kher’s today tweeted saying “Aayega to Modi hi” at the time when thousands are dying in India every day due to lack of medical facilities.
It’s better that our spineless celebs remain silent only.
— Nimo Tai 2.0 (@Cryptic_Miind) April 25, 2021
Everyone knows that you are one of the beneficiaries of being appointed RS member by Modi Govt, think of so many deaths taken place, think of their families who lost dear ones due to lack of oxygen, the callousness of Modi in dealing with human tragedy
— rajennair (@rajennair) April 26, 2021
You @AnupamPKher #AnupamKher are so mean and heartless person. People are dying and you take fun of them to aayega तो Modi. Pl show some dignity for the people who had given love to you for so many years and feel the current situation and help people. @ShekharGupta
— Milind (@Milind1105) April 26, 2021
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