Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput left for his heavenly abode last year and his fans are still not over the heartbreaking reality. While CBI is still probing the real reason behind his untimely death and questioning links related to the alleged suicide, close friends and fans remembered the actor on his first death anniversary, 14th June 2021.
The former girlfriend of the late actor, Ankita Lokhande, hosted a pooja at her home and shared a video on her Instagram story. In the shared video, glimpses of the prayer set-up can be seen along with the chants of Om in the background while the actress was not in front of the camera.
Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande met on the sets of the daily soap, Pavitra Rishta, and fell in love. The two shared popular off-screen chemistry for years before they parted ways. After the untimely demise of Sushant Singh Rajput, Ankita shared many social media posts dedicated to the late actor and remembered him for his qualities.
Meanwhile, some fans of Sushant trolled Ankita for sharing a picture with her current boyfriend, Vicky Jain. While some accused the actress of using Sushant’s name for publicity while some bashed her by saying that she can only be paired with the late actor.
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