Speculations are swirling around the potential casting of Anil Kapoor as Subrata Roy in the anticipated biopic, Saharasri. Following the recent passing of the Sahara magnate, discussions about a film chronicling his life have resurfaced. Producers Sandeep Singh and Dr. Jayantilal Gada, along with director Sudipto Sen, had initially unveiled Saharasri on Roy’s 75th birthday, June 10. The project, set to feature music by A R Rahman and lyrics by Gulzar, has been relatively silent since the grand announcement.
Insider insights now suggest Anil Kapoor is in consideration for the role of Subrata Roy. While not confirmed, Kapoor reportedly has reservations regarding certain controversial aspects of Roy’s life that would need careful consideration. Despite these considerations, there seems to be a general inclination from Kapoor to take on this challenging portrayal.
At present, Anil Kapoor is immersed in preparations for the impending release of Animal, a highly anticipated multi-starrer scheduled to hit theatres on December 1. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film boasts a stellar cast, including Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, and Tripti Dimri.
This potential collaboration adds an intriguing layer to Kapoor’s diverse and impactful filmography, marking a possible venture into the compelling narrative of Subrata Roy’s life. As the project evolves, audiences await further developments and official confirmations.
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