Ananya Panday recently made her dream debut with Karan Johar’s Student of the Year 2 and gained recognition for her performance in the movie. However, with fame, she also became a soft target for cyber harassment and is subjected to a lot of trolling, which led her to start her own initiative against cyberbullying.
During a recent interview, Ananya Panday went on to talk about her take on trolls and how her friends, Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor, have her back. She says that the trio has grown up together and shares a great relationship between them as they are all of the same age. She went on to say that they have each other’s back and count on each other during their lows.
On the work front, Ananya Panday has Pati, Patni Aur Woh in her kitty while Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor are also looking forward towards their acting debut. Earlier, Ananya Panday called Suhana and Shanaya as wonderful actors and spilt beans on their debut.
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