Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff has been one of the most loved action heroes of the country and he has been working on back to back high action movie flicks. While the actor is working on the sequel to his debut movie, Heropanti, he will also be leading a futuristic action drama, Ganapath, with Kriti Sanon playing the female lead. Now according to the latest update, Amitabh Bachchan will also be playing a key role in the actioner.
According to a grapevine, the 79-year-old megastar will be playing an important character in the upcoming highly-anticipated action saga which is being made with the perspective of converting it into a franchise. Ganapath is said to be an out-and-out commercial entertainment with revolutionary action sequences in the Indian cinema and if reports are to be believed, the makers are in advance talks with the Big B to play a key role in the movie which will be crucial to the plot.
With the first-look-posters and teasers, it has been revealed that Tiger Shroff will be seen playing a boxer in the movie and the reports suggest that Amitabh might be seen playing his on-screen father. However, the senior actor is yet to give his nod to the project and seal the deal.
Helmed by Vikas Bahl, Ganapath is set on futuristic earth with humanity surviving the aftermath of a pandemic. The movie is also said to include Coronavirus pandemic in the plot to make it more realistic. The movie features Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon as the lead pair.
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