American singer and songwriter, Billie Eilish, found herself in the middle of an unwanted controversy when an old video of her went viral on social networks. In the short compilation video that resurfaced on TikTok, Billie can be seen mocking Asian accent and using an anti-Asian slur. After facing huge backlash, the 19-year-old singer issued an apology and asserted that she wasn’t aware of the word being an offence.
Using Instagram stories, Billie Eilish wrote, “I love you guys, and many of you have been asking me to address this. and this is something that I want to address because I’m being labelled something that I am not.” She further stated that the circulated video is years old and she wasn’t aware that the word is anti-Asian. “There’s a video edit going around of me when I was 13 or 14 where I mouthed a word from a song that at the time I didn’t know was a derogatory term used against members of the Asian community. I am appalled and embarrassed and want to barf that I ever mouthed along to that word,” she said.
The singer further stated that she spoke in silly gibberish made up voice throughout her childhood and it was not intented to make fun of any accent or culture. “The other video in that edited clip is me speaking in a silly gibberish made up voice… something I started doing as a kid and have done my whole life when Walking to my pets, friends, and family. it is absolute gibberish and just me goofing around, and is in NO Tolerance, equity and equality,” Billie said.
On the work front, Billie Eilish’s next album titled Happier Than Ever is slated for a release on July 30.
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