Featuring Allu Arjun in the lead, Pushpa: The Rise, went on to become one of the biggest trendsetters post the Covid era and the movie shattered multiple box office records with its successful runtime. While it was earlier announced that the makers had started working on a sequel, the latest reports suggest that Pushpa 2 will be mounted on a much bigger canvas compared to the first instalment.
Filmmaker Sukumar has been working on the script for the sequel for the last couple of months and the team feels confident to go ahead with the locked script. As per sources close to the development of the movie, Pushpa 2 is scheduled to go on the floors in August 2022 and will be shot over a stretch of 6 months. The movie has been touted to have multiple high-octane action sequences that are said to be among the costliest ever for Indian cinema.
The half-a-year of shooting will be followed by lengthy post-production to make it release-ready by the second half of next year. It is also being reported that the makers are planning to turn producers for the Hindi belts, unlike the first part. As per reports, the makers are in talks with several studios and distributors for the release of the film in Hindi and getting a distributor on board on a commission basis.
Released in December last year, Pushpa: The Rise featured Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna as the lead couple. The Jungle drama helmed by Sukumar also starred Sunil, Fahadh Faasil, Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari, and Samantha Ruth Prabhu among others.
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