Allu Arjun, the renowned Telugu cinema superstar, was in talks with Aditya Dhar for his much-anticipated Bollywood debut in the high-on VFX action film, Ashwatthama. The actor was initially intrigued by the film’s concept and expressed keen interest in being a part of it. However, recent developments following the release of Adipurush have made Allu Arjun more cautious about the promises made regarding the visual aspects of the film.
According to insider reports, the concerns surrounding VFX have become significant for Telugu stars, who now prefer to work on simpler projects and place their trust primarily in director Rajamouli’s expertise in handling visual effects. Witnessing the challenges faced by Adipurush, Allu Arjun finds himself in a dilemma regarding entrusting a relatively new director with such an ambitious subject as Ashwatthama. Consequently, he might reconsider his decision to be a part of the film.
Interestingly, similar to Om Raut’s choice of Adipurush following his successful Hindi debut, Tanhaji, Aditya Dhar also opted for Ashwatthama as his second film after the critically acclaimed URI. However, Allu Arjun now views Ashwatthama as a risky project and hesitates to invest significant time and effort into an outcome that will only be known years later.
Ashwatthama holds immense ambition within the Bollywood industry, planned as a two-part film with a budget exceeding Rs. 500 crores. The film is produced by Jio Studios, in collaboration with Aditya Dhar, and has generated considerable anticipation among audiences.
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