Alaya F made her much-awaited debut last year with Nitin Kakkar’s Jawaani Jaaneman co-starring Saif Ali Khan and Tabu. Although the movie failed to give her recognition amongst the audience, she has been noticed by the filmmakers and getting great projects. The actress has been recently roped by Ekta Kapoor for the Hindi remake of Kannada mystery-thriller, U-Turn.
Set against an urban backdrop, the movie will go on the floors on Tuesday with Alaya F playing the key role. The makers have also released a video announcement of the thriller. Filmmaker Ekta Kapoor said, “Alaya was fantastic in her debut film. There’s a self-assured yet vulnerable quality to her that I believe can connect with audiences across. U-Turn takes you on a ride with twists & turns galore & edge-of-the-seat excitement. I’m so happy to have Alaya on board!”
On the other hand, expressing her excitement to work with Ekta Kapoor, Alaya F shared, “It is an extremely exciting opportunity to collaborate with Ekta ma’am so early on in my career, especially for such an interesting project. I feel responsible to be bestowed with the task to drive such an intriguing story and I’m absolutely overjoyed to start this journey.”
Featuring Alaya F in the lead, the movie will also mark the debut of Arif Khan as the director. Arif has assisted as many as 10 movies including Gunjan Saxena, 2 States, Student of the Year amongst others.
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