Akshay Kumar has been an asset to the Indian film industry as he prefers to do a number of movies every year instead of sticking to a single project. The actor is currently working on Rohit Shetty’s upcoming cop drama Sooryavanshi, in which he will share screen space with Katrina Kaif after a long gap. However, the latest report has unveiled one more of his future projects.
Co-producer of the 2012 action comedy film Rowdy Rathore, Shabinaa Khan, has recently informed that the producers of the blockbuster have been working on the script of a sequel. Rowdy Rathore 2 is on the cards and Akshay Kumar is to play the titular character once again. He earlier played double characters of a cop and a thug in the first flick. The film also had Sonakshi Sinha to play the female lead and she was appreciated for her performance in the movie as well. However, the female lead for Rowdy Rathore 2 has not been confirmed yet and the makers could rope in another actress.
According to the report, the movie is expected to go on the floors next year since Akshay Kumar is preoccupied with his current projects and the script for the sequel is not ready yet either. Akshay Kumar is currently busy shooting for Rohit Shetty’s next Sooryavanshi which is a follow-up of Singham and Simmba starring Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh, respectively.
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