Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has been one of the busiest in the Indian film industry for years with back-to-back movie announcements. While his recent outings failed to bring a crowd to the ticket counters, he is getting an ample number of exciting projects and his recent announcement is a collaboration with filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar for a Marathi film.
Akshay Kumar, who has carved a niche for himself in biopics, will next be seen essaying the role of emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Mahesh Manjrekar’s next Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat. The movie will also mark the Marathi film debut of Akshay Kumar as he will be sharing the screen space with Jay Dudhane, Utkarsha Shinde, Vishal Nikam, Virat Madke, Hardik Joshi, Satya, Akshay, Nawab Khan and Praveen Tarde.
Sharing his excitement about playing the mighty character, Akshay Kumar shared, “It’s a dream come true role for me. I think to portray Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the big screen is a very huge responsibility. I was taken aback when Raj sir asked me to portray this role. Also, I will be working for the first time with Mahesh Manjrekar, and it is going to be an experience.”
The movie to be helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar will be based on the story of the seven valiant warriors who had the sole aim of bringing Shivaji Maharaj’s dream of Swarajya to reality, writing one of the most glorious pages of history. The team had a Muhurat shot in Mumbai with the attendance of Chief Minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde, political leader and MNS Chief Shri Raj Thakeray, Mahesh Manjrekar, producer Vaseem Qureshi and the star cast of the film.
Titled Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat, the movie will have a theatrical release in Marathi, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on the occasion of Diwali next year.
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