Indian actor Akshay Kumar has been keeping himself busy with back-to-back projects for over a decade and delivering many iconic and memorable chartbusters. While his recent box office outing with Raksha Bandhan failed to pass the test, he is giving all for his next Selfiee. The makers of the movie have recreated one of Akshay Kumar’s most iconic songs ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari‘ but not with Saif Ali Khan.
The fun dance number featured Akshay with Saif Ali Khan wherein the two of them are seen dancing their hearts out in a bar. Now, 28 years later, the song has been recreated again with Emraan Hashmi as the new ‘Anari’. Emraan Hashmi took to his social media handle to share a still from the party track which features Akshay Kumar and Emraan in black outfits with a lot of bling. “28 years after the original .. The OG khiladi with the new Anari. This stare down led to a dance off. And what a dance off it was . (Haven’t stopped icing my feet ever since) #selfiee,” the caption of the post reads.
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Helmed by Raj Mehta, Selfiee features Emraan Hashmi and Akshay Kumar as the leading duo for the first time. The movie also stars Nusshrat Bharucha and Diana Penty in the key roles. Bankrolled by Dharma Productions, the comedy-drama is slated for a release on February 24th next year.
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