Akshay Kumar is the undisputed king of the number of movie releases every year and despite the pandemic, he managed to complete shooting for as many as five upcoming releases. Meanwhile, he has a long lineup of projects in the pipeline, he continues to add more projects to his calendar. Recently, the actor announced a movie on the mythological bridge Ram Setu on the occasion of Diwali.
Recently, Akshay Kumar has a meeting with Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, regarding his upcoming release, Ram Setu, and he got the permit to shoot the movie in the birthplace of Lord Ram, Ayodhya. Following the developments on the highly-anticipated cinema, the actor has reportedly booked Diwali 2022 for the release of his movie owing to its connection with the Hindu festival.
Akshay Kumar had earlier shared the first look poster of Ram Setu on his social media handle and the shooting for the movie is expected to commence by mid-next year. The movie plot reportedly revolves around the journey of a man who is trying to discover the truth behind Ram Setu bridge which has a significant mention in the Ramayana about its origin.
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