Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, set to star in OMG 2, has postponed the movie’s trailer launch as a mark of respect for the late art director Nitin Desai. Nitin Desai was found dead at his ND Studio in Karjat on August 2, prompting the decision to reschedule the trailer release to 11 am tomorrow.
On Twitter, Akshay Kumar expressed his sadness over Nitin Desai’s demise, calling him a stalwart in production design and an integral part of the cinema fraternity. In honour of Desai’s memory, the trailer will not be released today as initially planned.
“Unbelievably sad to know about the demise of Nitin Desai. He was a stalwart in production design and such a big part of our cinema fraternity. He worked on so many of my films… this is a huge loss. Out of respect, we are not releasing the OMG 2 trailer today. Will launch it tomorrow at 11am. Om Shanti,” tweeted the actor.
Nitin Desai, renowned for his work in movies like Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam and Devdas, passed away at the age of 57. The art director reportedly died by suicide at ND Studio in Karjat.
OMG 2 has obtained clearance from the CBFC, despite being asked for 27 cuts in the movie. Starring Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Yami Gautam, the film’s runtime is 2 hours and 36 minutes, with its cinema release scheduled for August 11.
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