The Anand L Rai directorial Atrangi Re was announced earlier this year with a group photoshoot of the principle cast and the movie went on the floors before the nationwide-lockdown was announced. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, the shooting was halted and after months, Akshay Kumar joined Sara Ali Khan, Dhanush and Nimrat Kaur in the last shooting schedule.
Yesterday, a picture of Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan together went online as the two started the shooting schedule of the upcoming romantic-comedy, Atrangi Re. As per the reports, the team will shoot in a 25-day schedule to wrap the movie before the new year. The movie is being shot in Noida and Agra while the crew is staying at a university campus in Noida. There will also be some scenes shot in the Old Delhi with Akshay Kumar.
Helmed by Anand L Rai, Atrangi Re is touted to be a cross-cultural love story and Sara Ali Khan is reported to be playing her first double role in her career. Meanwhile, details of the rest of the cast have been kept under tight wraps. The movie was slated to release on February 12, 2021.
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