Akshay Kumar is undoubtedly the busiest actor in the country with back-to-back movie announcements. The 54-year-old has a fantastic line-up of exciting movies for release and, if reports are to be believed, he is already in advance talks with filmmaker Dinesh Vijan about another project.
According to a source close to the actor, Akshay Kumar and filmmaker Dinesh Vijan have been discussing a script for a while and the two are interested in collaborating on a movie. The two are currently discussing the project details as the script is being worked upon. If everything falls as expected, we might get an announcement soon along with the director and the movie title.
Once the script is locked and the dotted line is signed, the movie will start its pre-production phase by the end of the current year with a possible release next year. Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar is busy with the promotion and remaining shooting of his past work commitments.
On the other hand, Akshay Kumar has Aanand L Rai’s Raksha Bandhan, Amit Rai’s Oh My God 2 (OMG 2), Abhishek Sharma’s Ram Setu, Raj Mehta’s Selfiee, and Ranjit Tewari’s untitled next in the pipeline.
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