Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar announced a number of movies last year and Raksha Bandhan, being one of them, is under pre-production. The actor shared a first look poster of the movie on the occasion of the Raksha Bandhan festival last year but the movie couldn’t get on the floors as scheduled due to the ongoing pandemic.
Featuring Akshay Kumar in the lead, Raksha Bandhan was scheduled for shooting in November last year but due to the ongoing pandemic, the filming had been postponed. Now the makers have decided to take the much-anticipated movie on the floors in June and more updates about the social drama have been revealed. According to a source close to the development of the movie, Bhumi Pednekar has been brought on board to play the female lead in the movie.
Raksha Bandhan will also mark the second outing of Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar together after their successful social drama, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Akshay Kumar has also recently completed filming of another movie helmed by Anand L Rai, Atrangi Re, co-starring Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan.
Helmed by Anand L Rai, Raksha Bandhan will share the pure bond shared between brother and sister with Akshay Kumar playing the protagonist. However, the rest of the cast and crew is yet to be announced.
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