Indian actor Ajith Kumar has long been known as ‘Thala’ as his fans prefer to refer to him with the prefix. As the actor and his fans currently await the release of his upcoming movie, Valimai, in a recent statement, the actor requested his fans and loved ones to drop the title and address him with his name or initials.
Ajith Kumar issued a statement that requested the media, the public and his fans to not address him as ‘Thala’ and refer to him as Ajith, Ajith Kumar or AK. “To the respected members of the media, public and genuine fans. I henceforth wish to be referred to as Ajith, Ajith Kumar or just AK and not as “Thala” or any other prefix before my name. I sincerely wish you all a beautiful life filled with good health, happiness, success, peace of mind and contentment forever. Love Ajith,” read the statement.
Prefixes to the names of the popular actors in the Indian industry has been a common trend and fans love to address their favourite celebrity with a unique name. However, Ajith prefers to be addressed by his original name without disrespecting the love of his fans.
On the work front, Ajith Kumar will next be seen in the much-anticipated movie, Valimai, which co-stars Janhvi Kapoor, Kartikeya Gummakonda, Huma Qureshi, Yami Gautam, Raaj Aiyyappa and Pavel Navageethan in key roles.
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