Ajay Devgn revealed the first look of his forthcoming film Drishyam 2 on Instagram. He declared that the release date for the recall teaser is September 29. The movie’s release date is set for November 18, 2022. Ajay is seen in the image standing with a shovel behind his back. Along with Ajay and Tabu, the original movie also stars Shriya Saran, Ishita, Mrunal Jadhav, and Rajat Kapoor.
“2 aur 3 October ko kya hua tha yaad hai na? ” he captioned the first poster for his film. Vijay Salgaonkar is back with his family. (Do you remember what happened on October 2 and 3?) Recall Teaser Out Tomorrow! #Drishyam2. “I am waiting for boss Ajay Devgn’s movie,” one of his followers said. “Bhai ye movie toh pakka theatre mai dekhenge,” another admirer commented (I am definitely going to watch this movie in the theatre). Another admirer said, “Ha yaad hai… Next level mai kya hoga ye dekhne ke liye… (Yes, I recall, anxiously anticipating what would occur next.) I am really happy and excited.” in reference to his movie Drishyam from 2015.
Ajay plays Vijay Salgaonkar in Drishyam, who sacrifices everything to defend his family when his daughter inadvertently murders a boy who tries to blackmail her. Vijay disposes of the boy’s body, gets rid of all the evidence, and then takes the family to Panaji. They fabricate their alibis by going to an Ashram, seeing a movie, and eating at a restaurant.
Nishikant Kamat, who won a National Award for his direction of Drishyam, the Hindi version of the popular Malayalam film of the same name, passed away in 2020 at the age of 50. The majority of the original ensemble, including Tabu in the character of tough top policeman Meera Deshmukh, will return for the sequel.
Ajay will also appear in Ponniyin Selvan 1 by filmmaker Mani Ratnam. The much-anticipated Tamil epic’s tale has been recounted by Ajay in the Hindi adaptation, the filmmaker recently stated.
He acknowledged Ajay Devgn’s contribution to the production and added, “I have two more individuals to thank from the Hindi film industry, one is Anil Kapoor, it was his voice on the trailer, and one more is Ajay Devgn, it will be his voice on the main film.”