Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly killed himself on the 14th of June and left behind an unfillable void. The demise of the actor created a furore over the social media platforms and several agencies continue to probe the case even after months. In the ongoing investigation by the CBI team, AIIMS forensic team has been assigned to re-examine the late actor’s autopsy report.
The Cooper Hospital had done the autopsy of the late actor’s body but many reports questioned the authenticity of the report. In wake of the speculations and media reports, CBI has sent the autopsy reports to AIIMS forensic team to give a second opinion and probe the possibility of a fault play in the actor’s alleged suicide. Several reports also suggested that the viscera sample received by the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) was “of very less quantity and degenerated”.
According to a source closer to the ongoing probe, the AIIMS team is likely to submit their report on the 22nd of September which is supposed to bring more clarity in the actor’s untimely demise and the investigation being carried out by the agencies. Meanwhile, appointed CBI team continues to interrogate people in connection with the actor to find more clues about the actor’s death.
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