Aditya Roy Kapur grabbed headlines for joining the cast of Ek Villain 2 and walking out of the movie following differences with director Mohit Suri. While the actor has proved his mantle with multi-genre movies, his fans can rejoice as he has signed a big actioner that is to be bankrolled by Ahmed Khan.
As per the latest report, Aditya Roy Kapur has signed an actioner titled as OM which will also mark the directorial debut of Tinu Verma’s son. Although there were reports that the movie is a Hindi remake of Kannada criminal drama of the same name, the source has clarified that the script is original and different from the 1995 movie. Ahmed Khan had earlier plans to direct the movie with Tiger Shroff playing the lead but with other commitments, the filmmaker settled for producing the script with a fresh pair of Aditya Roy Kapur and Tara Sutaria.
Surprisingly, Aditya Roy Kapur was paired opposite Tara Sutaria in Mohit Suri’s directorial Ek Villain 2 but things couldn’t work out but their fans will still be able to see this fresh pair on the big screen. The makers are currently in the pre-production phase of the movie which is expected to go on the floors by the end of the current year. The Malang actor has already started working on his physique for the actioner.
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