Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta’s gangster crime franchise, Shootout, has been a steady hit at the box office for over a decade. With the success of the first movie, Shootout at Lokhandwala, released in 2007, the makers released a sequel in 2013 which managed to live to the expectations. Last year, the filmmaker announced the third movie in the franchise and as per the latest update, Aditya Roy Kapur is to headline the project.
It was earlier informed that the third instalment to the gangster crime drama is likely to be inspired by the JJ Hospital in 1992 involving a gang rivalry and revenge. While the makers have kept the story under wraps as they work on the pre-production, the latest report informs that Aditya Roy Kapur has been approached to play the lead in the movie.
With back to back successful movies and an intense portrayal of the character in Malang, Aditya has been the eye candy for the action filmmakers of B-Town. If it pans out as informed, it will be Aditya Roy Kapur’s first outing with Sanjay Gupta. Shootout: Gangs of Bombay will be bankrolled by T-Series and Balaji Telefilms.
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