Indian actors Aditya Roy Kapur and Mrunal Thakur are coming together as a fresh pair for the official Hindi remake of the blockbuster Tamil-language crime thriller Thadam. The team has been filming the project for a while now and the second leg of the shooting schedule begins today. With the steady development in the production of the Hindi remake, the makers announced the title of the movie – Gumraah.
Based on true events, the movie will feature Aditya Roy Kapur in a double role for the first time and both of his characters will be entirely different from each other. On the other hand, Mrunal Thakur will play a cop in the movie and it will be refreshing to see the two sharing the screen space. The movie will showcase an intense face-off between the two stars.
Helmed by debutant director Vardhan Ketkar, the second leg of the shooting begins today in Mumbai with Mrunal Thakur and Aditya Roy Kapur. Ronit Roy, who is playing a key role in the movie, will also be joining the shoot in Mumbai to shoot for his sequences in the movie.
The original Tamil movie helmed by Magizh Thirumeni features Arun Vijay in the lead with Tanya Hope, Smruthi Venkat, Vidhya, Vijayan and Yogi Babu in key roles.
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