Renowned singer and television host Aditya Narayan faces significant backlash following an incident at a concert in Chhattisgarh. A viral video on social media captures the artist losing his temper, striking a fan, and discarding their phone during a live performance.
The incident unfolded during a weekend concert at a college in Chhattisgarh, where Aditya was engrossed in singing the popular song ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ from the movie Don. A fan recording the performance caught his attention, triggering an abrupt surge of anger. The video depicts Aditya using his microphone to hit the fan and then seizing the fan’s phone, ultimately tossing it into the crowd. The audience, taken aback by the unexpected outburst, watched in astonishment. Social media swiftly erupted with criticism, condemning Aditya’s behaviour as unacceptable and disrespectful towards his fans.
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This incident isn’t the first time Aditya Narayan has courted controversy in Chhattisgarh. In a prior episode, he engaged in a heated altercation with airport staff at the Raipur airport, a video of which went viral in 2017, further denting the singer’s public image.
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