Dil Raju, renowned as one of India’s top producers, and owner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, has encountered a setback in his involvement with the much-anticipated film, Adipurush. Initially set to release and distribute the movie, featuring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon in lead roles, in Nizam and Uttarandhra, Raju had high hopes for its success, drawing parallels to the blockbuster Baahubali. However, recent developments have led to a change in the scenario, with Raju stepping away from the distribution of Adipurush.
Raju had expressed his optimism for Adipurush, recalling the initial criticism faced by Baahubali: The Beginning, which eventually transformed into immense success. He held similar expectations for the upcoming mythological drama.
According to Track Tollywood, the shift occurred when the Telugu states rights for Adipurush were transferred from UV Films to People Media Factory. Allegedly, the production company demanded exorbitant prices, prompting Dil Raju to reconsider his involvement. As reported, the producer had quoted 60 crores for Nizam and 22 crores for Uttarandhra. While it is not uncommon for negotiations and changes in distribution to occur for big-budget films, it is surprising that Raju could not reach a favourable agreement.
This decision might stem from Dil Raju’s recent losses in his latest production, the Samantha Ruth Prabhu-starrer Shakuntalam. During a conversation with Rajesh Manna on his YouTube Channel, Raju acknowledged misjudging the audience reception of the film. He advised fellow producers to pause and reconsider the movies they bring to the audience, as people’s mindset has significantly evolved in recent years.
As the much-anticipated Adipurush gears up for its grand pre-release event in Tirupathi, the makers are planning to unveil the film’s second trailer tomorrow evening, promising an impressive showcase of action sequences.
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