Indian actress Mahima Chaudhry, best known for working in movies like Pardes, Daag, and Khiladi 420 among others, recently opened up about being diagnosed with breast cancer. Anupam Kher took to his social media handle to share her story with the fans and her struggles as she goes to the USA for treatment.
In the shared video, Mahima Chaudhry can be seen breaking down while talking about her diagnosis, treatment and how she had to keep the unfortunate news from her mother. She also thanked Anupam Kher for his support
Anupam Kher shared the video with a lengthy note that reads, “Story of @mahimachaudhry1‘s courage and Cancer: I called #MahimaChaudhry a month back from US to play a very important role in my 525th film #TheSignature. Our conversation turned to her discovering that she has #BreastCancer. What followed is in this candid conversation between us. Her attitude will give hope to so many women all over the world. She wanted me to be part of her disclosing about it.”
“She calls me an eternal optimist but dearest Mahima! “You are my HERO!” Friends! Send her your love, warmth, wishes, prayers and blessings. She is BACK on sets where she belongs. She is ready to fly. All those producers/directors out there! Here is your opportunity to tap on her brilliance! Jai ho to her!! #Cancer #Courage #Hope #Prayersss,” the post further reads.
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On the work front, Mahima Chaudhry is shooting her next movie with Anupam Kher and the actress revealed that she also got many offers to work on web series projects.
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