Bollywood actress Amrita Rao and her husband RJ Anmol welcomed their first child on Sunday morning and it’s a boy! The actor’s spokesperson confirmed the news and quoted, “Amrita Rao and RJ Anmol welcomed a baby boy this morning.” He further updated on the health of the family and said, “Both the mother and baby are healthy and doing well. The family is ecstatic and both Amrita and RJ Anmol thank everyone for their wishes and blessings.”
Amrita Rao and RJ Anmol got married in the year 2016 and the couple had been very private about their life. While they kept mum about the pregnancy for months, Amrita Rao took to her social media handle to confirm that they are expecting after paparazzi spotted her visiting a clinic in Khar. “For you it’s the 10th month… But for us, it’s the 9th. Surprise surprise… Anmol and I are in our 9th month already. Too excited to share this good news with you my fans and friends (sorry had to keep it tucked in my belly all this long) but it’s true. The baby is coming soon,” the Ishq Vishk actress wrote.
“An exciting journey for me, Anmol and our families… thank you universe and thank you all. Keep blessing,” her post further read as she posted a picture of her baby bump with her husband, RJ Anmol on Instagram. She also shared a video of her in Saree on the occasion of Navratri to update on her final trimester.
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