Veteran actor and the youngest sibling to Randheer Kapoor and late actor Rishi Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor, succumbed to heart attack on Tuesday. The actor was reported to have suffered a massive heart attack before he was rushed to a hospital in Chembur where he took his last breath.
Confirming the unfortunate news, his elder brother, Randheer Kapoor, talks to a news portal and said that the doctors tried their best to save his brother. The Kapoor family is currently awaiting to receive his body to proceed for his last rites. Neetu Kapoor also took to her social media handle to pay her tribute to Rajeev Kapoor and shared a picture of the late actor.
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Fans and celebrities reacted to the unfortunate news and extended their condolences to the family. Rajeev Kapoor has worked in many memorable movies including Prem Granth, Ram Teri Ganga Maili, Lover Boy, Hum To Chale Pardes, Ek Jaan Hain Hum, and Aasmaan.
EntNetwrk sends across its heartfelt condolences to the family.