Actor Jaaved Jaaferi strongly thinks that the legacy created by his father, late Bollywood comedian Jagdeep, has helped him and his brother Naved in having a better life. The legacy has proved to be a boon to Jaaved’s son Meezaan as well who is trying to find his place in Bollywood and understanding the value of everything he has.
He recalls the time when his father came to India along with his mother, after the partition and they lived on the footpath and even slept hungry on many days. He says that his father was left with no choice but to take whatever work came his way to feed their empty bellies. Incidentally, he was offered the job of a child artiste. It was an acting job and his father was good at his performance, so he ended up getting a lot of work and turned it into his profession.
He says that when his brother and he was born, they were taught how to value the basic things in life, even though they were fortunate to not face poverty the way their father did. They were taught to be grateful for having three-time meals, a roof over their heads, and the privilege of attending school as children. This instilled in them the passion for their acting career and compassion and empathy towards those who are not lucky to have the basics of daily life.
Added to this, he proudly says that his son Mezaan, who is also an aspiring actor, understands the value of everything. He thinks that his father passed on his wisdom and values to his sons and his grandson as well. He calls their three-generation passion and dedication towards the performing arts in the India Film Industry as worship.
Both Jaaved and Naved have earlier been associated with the popular dance show “Boogie Woogie”, which is also one of the oldest reality TV shows in India. Javed feels that it’s all a part of evolution that the pop culture has experienced given the reality television as a genre has changed since the time of Boogie Woogie that first started out in 1996.
He says that given the technology and cinemas and also considering the entertainment industry in its entirety, this evolution is natural. He adds by remembering the time when he began his journey on TV, that the concept of reality shows that encouraged a person’s or a child’s talent and helped them with recognition was not airing on the TV. So, when ‘Boogie Woogie’ started, it felt quite an original concept to come up with. No references were taken and nothing was copied from any show from the western culture. In fact, back in the day, no show of American or British television matched the concept.
On the work front, Jaaved will be next seen as a funny commentator from May 5 onwards, in the upcoming release Lava Ka Dhaava on Netflix.
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