The Bollywood film industry is gearing up for an August filled with sequels. Gadar 2, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, will hit the screens on August 11, and if all goes well with OMG Oh My God 2‘s censor issues, it will also release on the same Friday, capitalizing on the Independence Day mid-week holiday. On August 25, Dream Girl 2, featuring Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday, is set to hit the cinemas. Adding to the mix, the makers of Ghoomer, a mid-sized film starring Abhishek Bachchan, Saiyami Kher, and Shabana Azmi, have decided to try their luck in August too.
The film, directed by R Balki, tells the story of a female cricketer who, after facing an injury, is determined to pursue her dream and learns to play with her left hand. Abhishek Bachchan plays the coach who inspires and guides the physically challenged cricketer to become a champion, while Shabana Azmi portrays Saiyami Kher’s cricket-obsessed grandmother. Additionally, Angad Bedi is part of the cast, and Amitabh Bachchan makes a special appearance in a cameo role.
Although there is no official information yet on the film’s distribution, sources reveal that all necessary arrangements have been made, and the makers are optimistic about securing a significant screen count despite competing with other major releases in August.
The film Ghoomer will have its premiere in Australia before its theatrical release. It is set to open the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) on August 11. Notably, the collaboration between R Balki and Amitabh Bachchan has been a successful one in the past, with the megastar appearing in special roles in various films directed by Balki, such as Ki & Ka, Pad Man, and Chup. Furthermore, Abhishek Bachchan has previously worked with R Balki in the acclaimed movie Paa.
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