The Perfectionist of Bollywood, Aamir Khan, is making headlines lately for his upcoming movie Laal Singh Chaddha alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan in the female lead. While the movie is an official Hindi adaptation of the iconic American comedy-drama Forrest Gump which originally starred Tom Hanks in the titular character, the makers of the Hindi counterpart recently unveiled first look of Aamir and it was worth praising.
Aamir Khan has undergone another phenomenal transformation to get into the skin of his character in Laal Singh Chaddha. Meanwhile, the actor is in Chandigarh for the second leg of the movie shoot, he managed some personal time to visit Golden Temple and seek blessings. The pictures of the actor in Amritsar went viral over the internet in no time.
Actor Aamir Khan offers prayers at Gurudwara Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Amritsar. He is in Punjab for shooting of his upcoming film #LalSinghChaddha
— ANI (@ANI) November 30, 2019
In the papped pictures, Aamir Khan can be seen wearing a casual navy blue tee paired with a beige trouser as he covered his head with a white handkerchief as he prayed at the holy shrine. The actor was also seen doing parikrama around the Golden Temple as he met with members of the temple.
On the work front, Aamir Khan will be reuniting with Kareena Kapoor Khan once again for the Hindi remake and the movie, reportedly, will be shot in over 100 locations across the country. Helmed by Advait Chauhan, Laal Singh Chaddha is slated to release on Christmas next year.
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