Bollywood icon Aamir Khan has locked in his next major project, marking his return to the silver screen. The highly anticipated film is scheduled for release on Christmas Day in 2024, specifically December 20th. This untitled venture comes on the heels of his involvement in numerous productions under his production banner, Aamir Khan Productions.
Marking their 16th production, Aamir Khan Productions will produce this upcoming project, with Aamir Khan himself leading the cast. Currently in the pre-production phase, the film is slated to commence filming in January 2024. Further details about the project are eagerly awaited by fans and the industry alike.
In addition to this new project, Aamir Khan is engaged in various other ventures. Among them is the Hindi remake of the Spanish film Campeones. He is also associated with projects like Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Remake, Pritam Pyaare, Lapata Ladies, and Love Today. Recent reports suggest a collaboration with Dinesh Vijan of Maddock Films for the Ujjwal Nikam biopic. However, whether Aamir Khan will star in any of these undertakings remains uncertain.
Aamir Khan was last seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, adapted from Tom Hanks’ iconic movie, Forrest Gump. This announcement of his next project indicates his commitment to continually engaging audiences with his versatile roles and captivating stories.
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