Indian-Canadian singer A.P. Dhillon, along with Gurinder Gill, enjoyed a massive social media following after his track ‘Insane’ went viral over the short video platforms. While the fans are still humming to the original track, the singer has released a special version of ‘Insane’ for Amazon Prime Video’s original series, The Boys Season 3.
Describing his love for the show, A.P. Dhillon said, “I have been a fan of ‘The Boys’ ever since the show dropped and this season has been like no other. Never a dull moment with this one.” “I jumped at the opportunity of collaborating for Prime Video’s action-packed show ahead of its epic finale. Given the perfect fit with our song ‘Insane’, I know all the fans of the show will appreciate the recreation,” he added.
The official YouTube channel of Amazon Prime Video India uploaded The Boys version of Insane with the description, “Presenting a musical fusion of the hit Punjabi number ‘INSANE’ with The Boys. Watch the superhero action series ‘The Boys’ only on Amazon Prime Video.”
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Meanwhile, the first three seasons of the American superhero television series are now streaming on Prime Video. The show developed by Eric Kripke is already renewed for a fourth season with a great response to the released seasons.
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