Renowned Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson is currently on the top of his acting career with Christopher Nolan’s Tenet and standalone Matt Reeves directorial The Batman. While the actor has been a part of dozens of blockbuster movies, he is still referred to as ‘Twilight‘ actor by many for playing the vampire Edward Cullen in five movies of The Twilight Saga franchise. While the actor has made one and all believe that he can play the dark and gritty characters as well with the trailers of The Batman, we would like to emphasis his stellar performances in 6 movies which prove that he is more than just a sparkling vegetarian vampire. Check it out!
1. Tyler Hawkins in “Remember Me”
Genre: Romantic/Drama
Synopsis: A young man struggles to find peace with his father after a tragic loss and meets the love of his life who helps him ease his trauma. However, he learns a secret about her which creates a divide and threatens the future of their relationship.
2. Eric Parker in “Cosmopolis”
Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller
Synopsis: Set in the near future, a billionaire Wall Street financer sets on a path of self-destruction after setting his foot in the real world. His life plunges into imminent danger after facing health problems and financial crisis.
3. Monte in “High Life”
Genre: Sci-fi/Adventure
Synopsis: A man is on a damned and dangerous mission that unravels at the edge of the galaxy, and he along with his daughter are the last survivors of the space program. They must rely on each other to survive at the left-alone ship.
4. Charles in “Childhood of a Leader”
Genre: Historical drama
Synopsis: Set in World War I, he is the son of an American diplomat navigating through wartime and witnesses the creation of the Treaty of Versailles and the first gasps of fascism in Europe. The events shape his belief in France.
5. Ephraim Winslow in “The Lighthouse”
Genre: Horror/Drama
Synopsis: Set in the 1890s, he is driven into madness with his colleague as they man their lighthouse post on a remote and mysterious New England island. The two try to keep their sanity as they are faced with delusions.
6. Connie Nikas in “Good Time”
Genre: Crime/Thriller
Synopsis: He desperately everything possible to free his brother from prison and puts his own life on the line. He launches himself through a nightlong adventure to accrue more money in New York’s dark and dangerous criminal underworld.